Desain dan Konstruksi Pemecah Gelombang dengan Sisi Miring

Maria Angelin Naiborhu, Yani Nurita Purnawanti, Silvia Dewi Kumalasari


Sloping breakwater is the type of breakwater requires large volume of rock and protection armor. Material increase during construction is often occur due to several factors. The main influenced factor is wave condition during construction. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the increasement of the materials due to breakwater profile changes caused by wave action during construction stage based on literature study of real construction data of breakwater construction at one of the thermal power plant in South Java Sea. This research is expected to provide an overview for designers to determine the cross-profile of a breakwater which is constructible and select the appropriate construction method to reduce the risk of excessive material increase during construction, especially for breakwaters located in deep and rough sea.


breakwater, design, profile, material volume, construction method

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