Studi Perencanaan Revetment dan Groin Sebagai Upaya Penanganan Erosi Pantai Camplong di Kabupaten Sampang Madura
Camplong District Sampang Regency, Madura has a beach by the road along the Camplong Highway. Camplong Beach has a coastline that is very close to the highway. The existing beach protector is less able to resist erosion so that in some locations the Camplong Highway is damaged due to coastal erosion. Coastal protective structures needed are revetments and groins to resist erosion and poorly distributed distribution of sediment transport. The calculation starts with collecting wind data, tidal data, and bathymetric maps. Then the location survey, fetch calculation, repeat period analysis, refraction analysis, break wave calculation, shoreline change, layout planning, and detailed structural design. From the results of the calculation, a suitable coastal protection structure for Camplong Beach is a structure with a 1: 3 slope in the form of a revetment with a length of 100 m with a peak width of 1.76 m, a height of 4.66 m, a protective layer weight of 823.40 kg and 3 groins along 25 m with a height of 3.91 m, a peak width of 3.9 m, a protective layer weight of 607.80 kg. The distance between the groins is 50 m.
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