Perencanaan Transportasi Laut Batubara: Studi Kasus Taboneo - Surabaya - Tuban - Semarang

Silvia Dewi Kumalasari, Arif M Ar Rasyid, Setyo Nugroho, Achmad Mustakim


The main purpose of this study to give recommendations related route and size of the ship optimize in coal delivery with minimum criteria are unit cost and the needs of port facilities which include capacity of stockpiles, and loading unloading equipment. Based on the requirement to provide PLTU in Surabaya, Semarang, and Tuban. The coal supply is sent from Taboneo. Demand of each PLTU are 480.000 Tonnes/Yr., 330.000 Tonnes/Yr, and 180.000 Tonnes/Yr. Methods that used in this study are optimization linier programming method with transportation and ship assignment concept, ship design method based on sample design literation and port design method. The results of calculation showed that the best route is a system Port to Port, which are Taboneo- Surabaya, Taboneo-Semarang, and Taboneo-Tuban, vessel capacity 10.500 tons needs two fleets. Obtained the unit cost amounted Rp. 131,79/Ton.Nm. The destination port which selected to be designed in this research is one of three destination ports is Port of Tuban. It depends on smallest coal demand per year. Extensive area of stockpiles needed to provide PLTU Tuban are 140 m2. Grab Crane is loading unloading equipment that used in this port with productivity 1.000 ton/hour, and it needed 1 unit.    


bulk carrier; coal; cost of sea transport; shipping; port

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