Kajian Evaluasi Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor di Jakarta Pusat
One effort to reduce pollution in Central Jakarta is the implementation of Car Free Day. The implementation of CFD on Jalan Suryopranoto Central Jakarta concluded that monitoring of air quality at CFD showed less significant results even though the CFD value was lower than the Weekdays for all parameters. CFD activities in Central Jakarta have a tendency for CFD values to be smaller than weekdays on parameter PM10 and CO with efficiency of 3.29% and 35.52%. In terms of the Indonesian Air Pollution Standard, the PM10 parameter is in a moderate condition while the CO parameter is in good condition. Another problem arising from the administration of this CFD is that air quality in the alternative lane is worse than the CFD lane for the CO parameter. This is caused by the flow of vehicles moving from the main lane to the alternative lane. While the PM10 parameter on the main lane is higher than the alternative lane, this is due to the large number of open burning tools around the CFD location.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.54324/jtt.v1i2.538
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