Lidya Nurlita Sabatini, I Made Ardiana, Oce Prasetya


The objective of this study  is to determine the influence of service quality and brand images to customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty in PT Freight Solution Indonusa. The research population is all the customers export and import 200 customers. Number of sample is using Slovin formula 133 customers. The data obtained and collected through the instrument by a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The data, then analyzed using path analysis. The results of the calculation and the test data can be concluded that quality of service and brand image  influenced on customer satisfaction and  have an impact on customer loyalty. Therfore, the quality of service and a good brand image will create customer satisfaction and  enhance customer loyalty.


service quality; brand image; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.54324/j.mtl.v3i3.87


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