Study on The Cause of Stock Out of Logistic Installation in Harapan Kita Hospital

Didiet Rachmat Hidayat, Juliater Simarmata, Nelson Len Togas


RSAB Harapan Kita has a logistic installation as the facility of goods storage and supply, especially medical stuff (medicines) as well as non-medical ones. The focus in this research is the cause of stock out of that hospital’s non-medical stuff. Meanwhile, to analyze the
data the author uses ishbone analysis which is also known as cause-effect analysis. The result shows ive factors causing the stock out in the installation (warehouse): the irst in the process of procurement contributing 33%, the second in the implementation of SOP contributing 27%, the third in training contributing 20%, the fourth in the coordination contributing 13%, and the last in the budget contributing 7%.


stock out of non-medical stuff; goods procurement

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